
Workout. Hangout.

Challenge: Unite young people to choose conditioning as their unconditional community. Encourage 18-21 year olds to become long-lasting members of the Gymshark community with offline experiences and digital content offerings.

Insight: It's hard for young people to make new friends in such big cities. Many Gen Z’ers are turning to online communities like BumbleBFF and instagram "Hot Girl Walk" groups to find opportunities for in-person connection.

Idea: Gymshark "Workout. Hangout." Groups — Gymshark will give you a group based on your location and interests. Every week, there'll be a scheduled workout class and group outing to help members expand their circle.

Awarded a Pencil by the D&AD New Blood Awards.

Copywriting: Lindsey Polevoy

Art Direction: Tiffany Xue & Lindsey Polevoy

Gymshark App


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